James Fuller's #ReasonsToRun London 2019

James Fuller's #ReasonsToRun London 2019

In the latest of our Marathon Season posts, James Fuller from Bedford shares his #ReasonsToRun the London Marathon 2019.

James crossing the finish line at London 2018.


Can you tell us your name?

James Fuller

Where are you from?


How many marathons have you run?

This will be my second marathon.

What charity are you running for and why?

I ran the London Marathon last year for the Institute of Cancer Research, such an amazing charity that is working tirelessly to find pioneering ways of treating cancer. It was brutally hot last year, I set myself the goal or running sub 4, but the heat put paid to that and I finished in 4hr, 18mins. My charity knew I was chuffed to complete the hottest London Marathon history, but at the same time I was disappointed I didn't achieve my goal if sub 4, so here I am again .

How do you plan to recover after the marathon?

At the first opportunity I'll be getting my trainers and socks off and treating my feet to some OOooooh!!! Then a gin and tonic 😁